It was so cute to see how excited both boys got when they saw all the soccer balls. They were practically climbing in the bags! I also couldn't get enough soaking up the experience. Teaching D how to stretch, and listening to him count. (He's just started to count to 10 without messing up) Then watching him in his delight running to and from the fence. I love his smiling face! Then of course we had to leave because of the rain. I didn't think it was so bad but it was thundering, not raining too heavily so I'm guessing that's why we had to leave? The thunder?
Later on in the week we met up again. There were four areas set up. One was kicking the ball straight, one was kicking the ball in a big circle around cones, one was stopping the ball with your feet, and one was over head throwing. We started out with kicking the ball straight and D loved that one. He'd kick it pretty far. When we'd move on to the next stage he basically just wanted to keep kicking it back and forth. He'd try to stop the ball once in a while or throw the ball over head when I'd ask but overall he just enjoyed kicking.
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