It's all about the egg decorating...
A throwin' pirate faces. ;]
This was our first year decorating eggs so it was a trial and error run. Didn't go that bad but there were still some tears shed.
Trying so hard to be careful...
Enjoying it!
T, not so much.
He was so heartbroken that he couldn't do one himself. Next year we'll try the muffin tin version.
All our eggs with our names on them. Thank you, Love. He's always the artistic type. And sentimental. <3
The Easter Bunny came! T got a Cars color wonder coloring book, Thomas the Train bubbles, some candy, Mr. Potato Head and Where are Babies Easter Eggs book.
D got Oh, the Places You'll Go book, the game Cootie, a spider man bubbles, some candy and the double movie Hook/Indian in the Cupboard. He's loving pirate anything right now.