
Friday, October 5, 2012

Take Along Busy Bag

You know those times when you have to go somewhere but there's an infinite  a waiting period? For example, at the hairdresser's, the doctor's office, a restaurant, or a stinkin' auto mechanic shop... Well why not take a Busy Bag for the kiddos to enjoy while it's not only tough for you to wait but for them as well. Kids don't understand time yet, especially my little ones. You can use a drawstring bag or a backpack but I just picked up a tote back from Michaels dollar section. The boys are obsessed with Super heroes right now. Especially D. He LOVES The Hulk.

Some suggestions for a Busy Bag are:
coloring books and paper
crayons and markers
dolls and assorted clothing
treats or snacks
matchbox cars

For my lil one I sometimes bring his favorite blanket, toy, or stuffed animal.

I have our bag always packed and ready to go. I don't let the boys play with it either. Just when we're out and about... waiting somewhere. I also change it up with items from our Busy Box so they don't get bored with the items.

In our Bag right now I have our magnet tray, some transformers, a pen and paper, (D LOVES to write/draw on paper) and a wooden train. I also pack a diaper and some wipes. The boys always have a water or a milk with them also. 

Here it is all packed!

Source: The Toddler's Busy Book
The Preschooler's Busy Book

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