
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Robot Rally: Part Two

Finally got to finish part two of our first Kiwi Crate. Here's part one called My bot buddy.

This part is called My a-mazing robot. It comes with a few items to make a robot out of metal and a magnetic wand. The point is to try to move your robot through the mazes provided. You can even draw one of your own.
Here's he coloring his robots arms...

Trying to move his robot...

The wand is under the cardboard.

Trying out the star one...

Can you see his robot's face??

So happy with his Kiwi Crate!

His cute little sticker that came with it.

What T does while we're at the table.

Chairs can entertain him for an hour! I wish I could jump inside his mind!

I had to add this pic... He loves to climb on my belly and a bounce him...

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