
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kiwi Crate: Robot Rally

Our First Kiwi Crate arrived last month! I know I'm behind... I've been trying to squeeze this activity in for a few weeks now! FINALLY! Our Kiwi Crate for this month should be arriving soon... I'm already excited. I'm excited for D also! They're specifically for him. Even come mailed in his name! How cute is that?

What it looks like packaged. Even sent us a pair of his own scissors!

Comes with two parts: one, my bot buddy and two, my a-mazing robot.

These 3 books provided us with the instructions for the 'My Bot Buddy' (part one), one that teaches about other robots and how to make a life size costume robot out of cardboard box, and the 'My A-mazing Robot' (part two). The Continue your robot rally booklet mentions other robots like Mars Rover, which is an exploration robot on Planet Mars that takes pictures and helps us learn about Mars. The robot's name is Curiosity. A factory welding robot, a building robot in car factories that helps build cars in an assembly line. Also Roomba, a cleaning robot in people's homes. It vacuums the floor. Pretty cool how they incorporated that info! I LOVE learning so I think I'm more excited about it than D? 


The maze worksheets for part two of our robot rally crate.

Supply you with all you need! Even comes with the windup toy there in the gray at the bottom.

The instructions. How easy peasy!

He colored it how he wanted and I cut the shapes for him and he picked the gear stickers. 

It's on the move! I'm not sure though, but I think he couldn't get enough of playing with the windup toy! Glad this was a hit! Now I'll have to post about the a-mazing robot part (part two) later. :] 

Here's Part two. :]


  1. That looks like a lot of fun. I have never heard of a Kiwi crates before. Where do you order those?

  2. I didn't hear about them either until a couple months ago! You should totally check them out! Just click the link and it will take you to there site. :]
