
Monday, September 10, 2012

Activity Can (D's)

I decided to make an Activity Can for all of D's 3-6 year old daily activities to help keep us entertained. I just took some empty formula cans and decorated them with scrap paper. I then put three toilet rolls inside to hold the popsicle sticks. The sticks have the activities written on them.

They're separated by topic:
Rainy Day Play 
Kids in the Kitchen
Outdoor Activities, and Out and About
Reading, Writing, 'Rythmic and more
Music, Dance and Drama, and
Arts and Crafts

We just pull out two sticks a few times a week and do whatever the activity is. It has helped tremendously from the monotony of being home a lot. Has helped trigger my imagination that I've seemed to have lost over the years. I love it!


  1. And you say you aren't creative?! This is awesome. I think you are an amazing mother and plan such awesome activities for your kids. Loving these posts. I need to be better at coming up with cool stuff for my kids to do. Thanks for all your inspiration!

  2. Aww thanks Cass! I get a lot of ideas from other sources though! Inspiration for sure. I'm glad I can help inspire others and hope I can help plan some activities for you by posting what we do. :]
