
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Daily Activities: Puzzles and Flour Drawing

Awhile back I made an activity can with popsicle sticks. Each popsicle stick has an activity on it and I've sorted them by Indoor, Outdoor, and Crafts. I'll post about it in a later post... Until then, yesterday we chose two sticks and we pulled out Puzzles, and Flour drawing.

We store our puzzles in an empty diaper box. I have yet to make it a cute box. 

We've done flour drawing before, awhile back and D didn't do much with it. This time, however, he enjoyed it more. :] He played in this while I cooked dinner so it was worth the mess. :]

Here's D drawing in flour the first time we tried it out!

Source: The Preschooler''s Busy Book

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