
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Busy Bag: Pom Pom Stuff In

Items Needed:
A clean container
Pom Poms

Poke a hole in the top big enough to barely fit the pom poms through.

T couldn't figure out what to do at first, of course, so I showed him how to push his finger onto the pom pom and it'd go through the hole. He caught on pretty quickly after that. I tried varying it up by taking the lid off to see if he'd just like to drop them in, however he kept picking the lid back up and trying to put it back on, so he likes it on. :]

Then he figured out an even better idea... TO EAT THEM. So, sadly I had to take them away and it ruined his fun. :( I hate making the boys sad by removing something that they enjoy. (i.e. leaving the park, etc)

Showed D this and he LOVES it also. He has been dumping and filling for a bit now. He has even come back to it after hours have gone by doing something else. 

D says it's volcano and the pom poms are getting hot. ;]

*Part of our Busy Box


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