
Monday, May 21, 2012


Mother's Day this year was awesome! I was eager to celebrate T's first birthday. I can't believe how fast time flies and it's surreal to think I have a TWO toddlers! What?! Still trying to digest that thought. I just want to slow time down a little bit... if only. My Love is the best husband! I could go on and on about how great he is. Not only did he take care of the boys all day but he also cleaned the house! Wow, I had a break that day. Very different than what I'm used to. A mother's job is normally 24/7. ;] Anyway I wanted to celebrate T's birthday on his birth day so we did a little something together, our little family. My Love picked up a smash cake for him and a few cupcakes. I thought everything was perfect. <3

These photos came from two different cameras so that's why there's two sections...
May 13, 2012

Patiently waiting...

 Daddy had to do it... "Cake in the face!"

 He's like, "What just happened??"

Wish I could've gotten D's reaction too!

Happy 1st Birthday T! We love you so much!

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