
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Family Fun Festival

Tonight the Main Exchange (PX, or mall type store on base) held an event with which the kids were able to see Santa! This is the second time the boys have seen Santa this year. The first visit didn't go over so well when Santa visited our 3/7 Christmas party. :( D has been telling me more frequently lately that he's scared. He'll say it to just about anything, for example the dinosaur on tv, going potty in a different potty, without his potty, or Santa. Once T saw D's uneasiness he started to cry. I had to get in the picture to get them to stay calm. T almost ripped off Santa's beard too! That would have hurt! ;] Everyone behind us were really understanding and the photographer took as many pictures as she could to get a good one. Thank you everyone that was patient! Anyway we went to the mall on base today because Santa was here again. He must like 29 Palms. *wink* They had a magician, face painting, caricature drawing, and drawings for prizes. Little did we know that Frosty wanted to visit along with Elmo! Our first stop was the Magician. Now let me tell a little secret, I'm still baffled at Magicians and their ability to baffle me... I think I'm a kid trapped in a 26 year old body. I could watch him all day. Or any magician for that matter. I loved seeing D's reaction after he helped the Magician with his trick. He was just looking at him like "Ok, what just happened??" 

Our second stop was to see Santa. I know how long those lines can get. I wasn't about to make a disastrous decision. D is 3 and he's a little monster when we're out and about. He kept mopping the floor with himself. Just scooted along the floor on his belly. Finally the kind lady behind me said, "You can go get him, I'll watch him." I was equally hesitant to let some stranger watch my little 7 month as I was about D vanishing into this mall. Not to mention his tantrums. Let's just say they're a 10 on the Richter scale. Everyone will know when my child isn't happy. It's tough doing things when you have a temper tantrum throwing 3 year old and a 7 month old. I don't know how to contain D when I have to watch and take care of T also. My Love, please come home now. :] As everyone knows this is typical 3 year old behavior so I'm glad I get the understanding looks from strangers. BTW no one warned me about the Terrible 3's, I've just heard of the Terrible 2's and let me tell you that those don't even start on time. They start around 1 1/2 years old. Don't say I didn't warn you. 'Cause I just did. ;] So standing in this line was eventful, however, worth it. Pictures are worth so many words and very sentimental to me.  D actually sat on his lap and T did as well. The only problem was getting both of them to look at the camera AND smile at the same time. One would look and smile while the other was looking off. Thankfully these people were just as great as the last group. They were patient and the photographer tried her best to get a good picture. I eventually had to lend a hand and shake T's rattle. It worked. I even offered it up to them if they wanted to borrow it. They just laughed. A lot of poor kids were tired though and cranky. Maybe if they had the event earlier next year?

See what I mean? ;]

After we picked up our picture I was looking at the books and realized Elmo was standing right in front of us. Of course a line had already formed but it wasn't nearly as long as Santa's. Elmo was making balloons. D was in awe. While we waited to visit Elmo, Frosty stopped by. He's a little skinny if you ask me. I think he needs more rolls, junk in the trunk... Living in Mojave Desert is basically killing him. He looks Ethiopian.

When he first saw Elmo. In awe.

D said bye to Elmo and we were off to get dinner. His favorite place, McDonalds. I figured he did pretty well for standing in those lines for so long. Anyone would be antsy. 

D mentioned to Santa that he wants a truck. We shall see... ;]
LOVE these faces. Make life worth it. <3

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