
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Harvest Carnival at Palm Desert Presby. Church

Today we went to carnival in Palm Springs through our DMG. Everyone had lots of great things to say about it so I decided to check it out. First 3 thoughts that come to mind about today though - 1. CA drivers suck! 2. Some people just don't have ANY courtesy or manners WHAT SO EVER. and, 3. Some people are unbelievably nice and helpful. Now how can such a broad spectrum exist? I'm not sure but we had fun anyway... 

When we first arrived they handed out food tickets. They had Snow Cones- D calls them ice cream cones. :]

 Popcorn- His fav. That's how I got him out of one of the jumpers.

 Cotton Candy- He didn't like that at all. :( I was stuck with two big cotton candy sticks.

Face Painting- Can you guess what he's going to be?

Eating his popcorn. Sitting so still.

A PIRATE! He's always saying, "AHOY! BABY!" to T. :]

They had an awesome band. The singer sounded SO GOOD.

Some games, Goldfish toss. You received an actual goldfish with this game. I don't have anywhere for a fish, right now. Although, I know D would of LOVED that. :/

 Bean Bag Toss

Fish in the Ocean- When D first walked up to this he wanted to look behind the curtain. :] Then he fished and received a candy. He looked at it like, "How'd that happen?" It was cute.

Was handed a bowl full of candy after throwing pennies at a bowl full of water including containers. He BARELY missed but look how far the table is from him. 

Ring toss- Again barely missed but still got a prize!

 A little baby pool for little ones- pick a rubber ducky and receive a candy! D just kept taking the toys out and setting them aside. 

Treasure Hunt Dig with what looked like saw dust type material.

There was also an AWESOME puppet show going on all night. It was filled with upbeat music. All the kids were dancing. It was a blast. D even started to toward the end. T LOVED it also. I couldn't get enough. Neither could the boys, maybe that's why D didn't want to leave? Poor T was tired though. 

D couldn't get enough of these jumpers. He had so much fun in them, I couldn't even get him out for a drink or popcorn. This was the first jumper we saw as we came into the carnival.

 This is the second.

This is the third. Doesn't that look challenging for a two year old? Not even. ;]

Just look at him... Blew me away and some other parents. It was an obstacle course that lead up to a high slide. D LOVES slides. Of course I couldn't get a pic. My camera was being ridiculously slow so I missed him every time. 

A few pics of T while we watched D jumpin' around for awhile. Finally took T out and he loved standing against the window, holding onto the mesh holes. He was laughing so much and I wish I could of gotten pictures of that. 

There were so many food options on our tickets. We had a hot dog with juice, popcorn, snow cone, and cotton candy, mentioned earlier. However, there was also apple slices with caramel and nachos. Seriously a whole feast and most people were so nice.

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