
Monday, May 27, 2013

SeaWorld San Diego!

This Memorial Day we decided to visit Sea World. My boys had never been and I had such a blast the 1st time I'd ever been. I even got a caricature done (something on my Bucket List). Anyway we live about 3 hours from San Diego so by the time we arrived it was just opening and the boys were already getting cranky. We first came to Sesame Street Bay of Play because it's nearest the entrance and the boys wanted to get on the Elmo ride.

Wish we could've gotten pictures of Talon but he was with me and as you can see I had the camera. They wanted to keep riding this ride but I talked them into seeing the animals. 

From there we ventured to Blue Horizons to see the Dolphins and the birds. It started at 10:30

The boys also saw a Turtle on the way to Pets Rule!

Pets Rule! show... It started at 11:30
By this time T was getting very grumpy. He was tired and it was hot. We all got sunburned but not too bad. I thought this show was really cute though and glad we got to see it. There were all sorts of animals from cats and dogs to birds, a pig, and ostriches. They had the olympics where two dogs raced through an obstacle course one at a time (a big one and a little one). They had to shimmy through the fire hydrants, duck under a plank and walk under it, jump through hoops and swim across the water. The little dog jumped in the boat but the big dog just jumped in and swam/walked/jumped across it. Then to top it off the pig came out and did it too!! Instead of jumping the hoops he barreled through them and went around the pool. Too cute.  

There was also a skit where this black dog had a date with the white one. He had to "clean up" the place and get it ready. He put something in the trash can by stepping on the lever at the bottom to open the lid, switched the radio on by jumping on the knob and pushing it to turn it, picked a bone from the fridge AND closed it again and even put the flower in his mouth to give to her when she arrived. So cute! I couldn't get enough.

From there we went to the Wild Arctic area to pass time until Shamu's show.

Afterwards we headed to One Ocean at Shamu Stadium. This show started at 1:00.

Where they were splashing everyone.

We decided after this show that the boys just weren't going to make it any longer and I was extremely bummed. I had so much planned and even wanted to get another caricature done of T. D already has one. If I could do this all over again I'd take a couple days or even get a hotel room although we live here. It was just too much in one day for my little guys. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Traditional Anniversary Gift: Leather 
As a material, leather is durable, warm, strong, flexible, and has a sense of resilency to it. These are qualities that help marriages continue to thrive.

Modern Anniversary Gift: Crystal/Glass 

Crystal can dazzle with its beauty and the way light dances off the multifaceted surface. It is a gentle reminder of how a couple in a meaningful marriage can touch the lives of others.

Travel Anniversary Gift Ideas: Luggage

This year I got a Kindle Fire for Mother's Day but for our anniversary I got the leather case. I just love what the leather symbolizes. <3

For my husband I purchased him a new wallet with his initials and filled it with 6 $25 gift cards to his favorite places.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Items Needed:
corn kernals, dried beans, small pasta, cereal, and so on (we used beans)
2 paper plates (I would not recommend styrofoam but that's what we had on hand)
glue or staples (staples are easier but they tear the plate up)
hole punch
crayons, markers, stickers for decoration

Decorate your plates first if you want. I found it to be easier. Place your chosen noise maker onto a plate then cover with the second. Staple or glue the rims together. Punch holes around the plates and add ribbon.

He kept saying cheese so I had to keep taking photos.

I LOVE D's face in this one!

Such a fun project. They entertained them for a few days which I wasn't expecting. 

Source: The Preschooler's Busy Book

Splash Park!

Some friends of ours are relocating to another area in CA so before they moved we decided to have one last playdate! 

My sweet D

 Elizabeth trying to pull him into the water!

They just kept running around holding hands. This is the first time they've ever done it and I just couldn't help but think, "SHOOT! We're in trouble!"

 Sweet Emily in the pink!