
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

It's all about the egg decorating...
A throwin' pirate faces. ;]
This was our first year decorating eggs so it was a trial and error run. Didn't go that bad but there were still some tears shed. 

Trying so hard to be careful...

Enjoying it!

T, not so much.

 He was so heartbroken that he couldn't do one himself. Next year we'll try the muffin tin version.

All our eggs with our names on them. Thank you, Love. He's always the artistic type. And sentimental. <3

The Easter Bunny came! T got a Cars color wonder coloring book, Thomas the Train bubbles, some candy, Mr. Potato Head and Where are Babies Easter Eggs book.

 D got Oh, the Places You'll Go book, the game Cootie, a spider man bubbles, some candy and the double movie Hook/Indian in the Cupboard. He's loving pirate anything right now.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


This little guy will sleep anywhere...

March 27, 2013

April 4, 2013

April 12, 2013

April 25, 2013

April 28, 2013

May 9, 2013

May 20, 2013

June 1, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

T's first ER Visit

Later in the evening of March 15th T hit his head on the windowsill. Because we had the St Patrick's Day social at D's school we didn't arrive home until 5. The boys couldn't help but fall asleep so they were up pretty late. I was reading on the couch waiting for T to get tired and he gets his second wind at night lately. He was playing in between our cushion and the back of the couch (our cushions are removable so he was sandwiched between the cushions and the backboard) and all the sudden he started hitting me. His way of playing but I stopped him so he started pulling my hair. Again I stopped him and he got upset. His way of throwing a tantrum is by throwing his head back. Of all places to throw his head back at it happened to be the windowsill. I've never seen him cry like that before so I knew instantly that he was hurt pretty badly. My hubs and D were already asleep by this point so waking them up wasn't easy. They were both out of it. Anyway T had to receive 2 staples. Poor guy. :'( I was freaking out more than he was I think. There was blood all over my white t shirt and that didn't help things. It was just so hard to see him bleeding and crying so hard. I've never seen him cry like that.  The ER doc mentioned that he's a tough little guy so I'm glad we're not the only ones that have a hard time trying to keep him from throwing himself around. He's gotten the hubs and I pretty good in the nose a few times and given some fat lips. I just hope he grows out of this tantrum throwing because I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself pretty bad again. And I don't want to visit the ER any time soon. He's going to be my ER baby.

St Patty's Day 2013

A dental visit...

D's school had another social for St Patrick's day. Again it was to decorate cookies. We made sure to wear our green!

The step by step process of decorating a cookie. :] D style.

Step 1: Add a dollop of green frosting

Step 2: Add sprinkles

 Step 3: Shake off access

 Step 4: ENJOY

 Afterwards the kids gathered around and played Bear Hunt. It was so cute to see them act out the song. T was even getting into it. ;]